Poet’s Corner

There Is Still Time

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It is odd how one can become accustomed to the blows

The initial strike seems unbearable

You are certain the closed fist will be the last thing you feel

As you lose your balance

Finding your head repeatedly bouncing up and down

Against the flat cement floor

Whose ice-like surface will soon be the only comfort

You are permitted


Lying in your own sticky, hot, and clumping blood

Your body throbbing

You instinctually wonder what you did today

To be deserving of such a reprimand

Soon you will have to say thank you

And beg to be made worthy of the time and energy

Which correcting you requires


But you cannot yet speak

The words are trapped

Behind your swollen lips and crushed teeth

Is it time to be grateful

You wonder in the small

Hidden crevasse of your soul

Which you pray still belongs to you

Has your lesson come to an end for today




How dare you feel entitled to any part of your being

You admonish yourself

It is a lesson you should have already learned


You tried to write a thought

Oh no

Have your thoughts been detected

You wonder

As the electrical wires ripped from the wall

Soon find the bare flesh of your arms and legs


The lesson is not over


Though tired

Looking at you

Stirs feet to respond

To the disgust you represent

You offer nothing

You are without value

Why do you breathe the same air

The voice cuts off

As the tip of the boot strikes your head


Your agony is motivating

You must surrender control over your body

Do not seek cover

Or shield your breast from the stomping feet

Submit and accept

You know the mantra well

But apparently not well enough

If you try to slip away

Even for a moment

The sprays of water will follow

Either hot or cold

The choice will not be yours

You must be awake

For the time on you

Not to have been wasted


Open your eyes


Or they will be permanently closed

They feel crusted over

You are not certain why

It cannot have been tears

As those are un-allowed

The lips form familiar words

You know how to react

Moving onto your knees

Bowing your head down

You wait

It is over

The feet depart

You close your eyes

And fall on your side


But not yet perfected

There is still time


~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~


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